Payment & Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Your deposit books you a spot on your selected trip and is non-refundable

All payments to Lesbifriends Travel LLC are non-refundable and non-transferable. Lesbifriends Travel LLC has contractual agreements with various vendors that will not allow us to obtain any refunds. This way we can keep our package prices competitive and allow you to make monthly payments on your trip.

If there is any outstanding balance by the final payment due date, a late fee will automatically be added to your balance 3 days after your final due payment date.

All prices listed are per person based upon shared room occupancy unless otherwise clearly specified. Prices do not include items of a personal nature such as laundry, wines, water, beverages, food (other than at all-inclusive resorts or where clearly specified), passport and visa fees, insurance, and foreign port taxes unless specifically indicated in the package inclusions. Prices are correct at time of publication; however, as airfares continually fluctuate and classes of service may have limited capacity, travel package prices and availability will change accordingly. In case of human or computer error, Lesbifriends Travel LLC reserves the right to re-invoice for the correct price or service. A full refund will be made to passengers who choose not to pay an increase, provided Lesbifriends Travel LLC receives a written cancellation within five days of the price increase notification.

Payment Arrangements

● Your deposit books you a spot on your selected trip

● Our merchant accounts are with SquareSpace and Stripe. Both will allow clients to make payments through major credit cards. There will be a 3.5% processing fee for all payments made through our merchant accounts. To avoid a processing fee, you can make your payments via one of the following methods:

● Cash App $lesbifriendstravel

● Venmo @lesbifriendstravel

● Zelle

Travel Protection

● Missing a vacation is bad enough. Losing the money you paid for your vacation is even worse. Therefore, we highly recommend travel protection that helps provide coverage for trip cancellation, interruption, baggage loss or delay, medical expenses and more. You are required to select and purchase travel insurance yourself for domestic and international trips.